Have no idea where I am going with this, but thought it would be fun to see what I could do here.
Published on November 7, 2004 By maturegeek In WinCustomize Talk
Hello, everyone, this is one outstanding program, the overall object desktop package has kept me entertained for hours, and I still haven't found my "perfect" theme. But then again that's what you get when you give this type of a package to an obsessive/compulsive

Anyway, having a bit of a problem with the ObjectMedia program. Whenever I try to run it I get a message that says DirectShow failure c00d0bben Terminate ObjectMedia? then a YES and NO button to press. Probably something simple I am overlooking, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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on Nov 07, 2004
always try the support team:

on Nov 07, 2004
I have had some problems with ObjectMedia as well. Unfortunately I have never received any response from Stardock support regarding the matter. Best of luck.